amniotic fluid - liquid surrounding the fetus in the womb
amniocentesis - minimal surgical procedure using a very thin needle to get a sample of amniotic fluid for genetical or biochemical analysis
alphafetoprotein - a protein produced by all developing babies and present in the mother´s blood. An increased level may indicate fetal abnormalities (spina bifida…)
breech - fetus lying in the womb upside down (buttocks down)
cervix - the neck of the womb, opens during labor to allow the fetus to leave the mother´s body
contraction - cramp of the uterine muscle leading to the hardening or tightening of the stomach
dilatation- widening of the neck of the womb (cervix) during labour
effacement of the cervix - shortening of the neck of the womb at the beginning of labor
EFM - electronic fetal monitoring (= cardiotocography), monitoring of fetal heart and uterine activity
engagement - dropping of the fetal head or buttocks into the pelvis a short time before the baby's due date
embryo - the unborn baby during the first 8 weeks in the womb
enema - lavage of lower part of bowel with warm water prior to delivery
episiotomy - cut of perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening and prevent perineal tearing
femur - fetal thigh
fetus - the unborn baby in the womb from week 9 until birth
fundus - the bottom or base of anything, e.g. the uterus
gestation - the period of development of the unborn baby from conception until birth
humerus - fetal arm
hypertension - high blood pressure (hypotension = low blood pressure)
induction of labor - artificial triggering of uterine contractions by cervical massage, breaking of water, medication
myometrium - uterine muscle (the major part of the womb)
normohydramnios - normal amount of amniotic fluid
obstetrics - branch of medical science which deals with pregnancy, labor and childbirth
oedema - swelling, commonly in fingers or ankles during late pregnancy
oligohydramnios - decreased amount of amniotic fluid
pelvic floor - a hammock of muscles which supports the bowel, bladder and womb
perineum - part of the female body between vagina and anus
phenylketonuria - metabolic disease which, when untreated, can harm the development of the baby's brain
placenta - the organ which joins the mother with her unborn baby in the womb and which helps the mother to protect the fetus against the environment
polyhydramnios - increased amount of amniotic fluid
pre-eclampsia - serious disease developing mostly in late pregnancy characterised by high blood pressure, protein in the urine and general swelling
premature labor - labor which starts between the 24th - 37th weeks of gestation
PROM - premature rupture of membranes (before 37th week or more than 24 hours before the onset of labor)
puerperium - time period of six weeks after childbirth necessary for a woman's organism to fully recover
rhesus factor - specific protein on the surface of red blood cells determining rhesus factor positivity (present) or negativity (absent)
ROM - rupture of membranes, occurs before onset of labor or during the labor
rubella - german measles, a viral infectious disease which can cause fetal birth defects if acquired during the first three months of pregnancy
toxoplasmosis - parasitic infectious disease, which, if acquired during the first four months of pregnancy, can cause serious fetal defects. Parasites are transmitted by certain animals or via raw meat
trimester - any period of three months during pregnancy
umbilical cord - the rope of three blood vessels which link the fetus to the placenta; all nutrients for and waste products from the fetus pass through the umbilical cord
uterus - womb, the best incubator in the world (the organ carrying and protecting the unborn baby)