English (United Kingdom)Čeština (Česká republika)


  • Hospitals

    We have contracts with the hospital management and we are authorized to perform any gynaecological and obstetrical procedures for our patients at the following hospitals

    1. Thomayer’s University Hospital - Gynaecological / Obstetrical Department
    Videňská 800, 140 00 Praha 4 - Krč
    Tel: +420.261.082.102, +420.261.082.356

    2. Private Gynaecological and Obstetrical Clinic Almeda
    Alšova 462, Neratovice
    Tel: +420.315.637.111

    The father's presence at birth is accepted and welcome, and you are not required to go through special training or coursework. If you are interested, however, it is possible to attend a training course directly in the hospital. There is a small fee of 700 CZK for being present during the birth.

    In 2008, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Teaching Hospital Thomayer was renovated and modernized. There are now 17 private rooms available. Rooms range from luxury suites to basic single rooms. The hospital's staff is well trained and welcoming.